Tax Law


“We take responsibility for global planning aimed at reducing the tax burden or seeking its deferral”
Javier Artíñano Rodríguez de TorrresPartner

We cover the ordinary needs of the company and its shareholders in tax matters, solving the day-to-day issues that may arise, both in determining the tax regime applicable to transactions and periodic tax returns.

We assist in the tax inspections that our clients are subject to, and we prepare, in this case, the appeals before the government and the Courts of Justice that are necessary in case of disagreement with the proposals of the inspection.

We are also responsible for the overall planning, aimed at reducing the tax burden or seeking its deferral, analysing the different alternatives, particularly in situations of regulatory changes of a tax or accounting nature.

This planning requires a thorough knowledge of the client’s corporate structure from the fiscal point of view and a study of possible alternatives.

This advice is provided, when necessary, with the relevant international projection, based on collaboration with foreign law firms with which we have cooperation agreements.

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